Introducing Blueprint MED:
Blueprint helps thousands of med school students each year ace their exams, match for residency, and stay on track to the career of their dreams.
Get Information and Guidance from Our Expert Blog Authors
Transitioning to Med School: Tips and FAQs
Getting settled, building a social life, staying organized, and making the most of your study time—we’ve got the answers to all your most pressing questions.
Staying Healthy
Med school is tough, but you’ve got this! We’re here to help you prioritize your physical and mental health, even when you’re stressed out and your schedule feels insane.
Managing Your Finances
Student loans, housing costs, building credit—you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers! Read up on keeping your finances in check during med school.
Med School Expectations vs Reality
You aced your prereqs and nailed the MCAT, and now you’re on your way! Wondering how your expectations line up with the reality of med school? We can help.
Choosing a Medical Specialty
Surgery, pediatrics, emergency medicine—how do you decide? We’re here to help you ask the right questions and find the best fit.
Quiz: Could You Benefit From a Tutor?
Med school coursework is challenging, even for people who breezed through college! Our quiz can help you figure out whether one-on-one tutoring is right for you.
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Get Free Resources to Ensure Your M1 Success
Start Medical School With Confidence
Want to show up for med school confident and prepared? Our panel of doctors, residents, and med students is here to help, with all kinds of useful information about acing your first month, developing study strategies, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Start Med School Strong With a Free Anatomy Qbank
To help you ace your anatomy coursework, we’ve partnered with our sister company Rosh Review to offer you a free one-year subscription to their Anatomy Qbank (a $99 value). No strings attached.

Free Guide: How to Ace Your First Year of Medical School
Transitioning into medical school is a challenge for many new medical students. From keeping up with coursework to taking care of your mental health, find these top tips for a strong M1 year.
We're Here to Help You Every Step of the Way

Create personalized study plans for all your med school exams with our easy-to-use Cram Fighter tool.

Our tutors are accomplished medical students, residents, and attendings, here to provide one-on-one online assistance with your exams and coursework.

Prep for your Shelf exams with our Rosh Review Qbanks—the practice questions, detailed explanations, and beautiful images will help you optimize your study time.

When it’s time to apply for residency, set your application apart with top-notch guidance from our Residency Consultants.