The Pre-Law Journey for Non-Traditional Students Masterclass

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In this webinar you'll learn: 


What it means to be a “non-traditional” student


What typical and adjusted law school timelines look like

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How a gap year might help or hurt your application


The difference between different post-bacc programs

No one said the path to becoming a lawyer was easy. Between keeping a stellar undergrad GPA, a mountain of extracurriculars, the LSAT, and equally-as-passionate peers, the competitive law school process can make some students feel overwhelmed—especially if you’ve been out of college for a while!


Between forgetting content you learned in school, finding the balance between studying and a personal life, plus any other obligations you may have as a working adult, prepping for the LSAT as a “non-traditional” student comes with its own set of challenges to overcome. That's why we've created this webinar—to help you do just that!